Ten Minute Play for Scene Study

I have been using the ten minute play format in workshops and classes for well over twenty years.   In ten minutes a well written script is able to demonstrate a complete theatrical arch.  There is a beginning, middle, and end.  The ten minute play includes emotion and subtext enabling the actor the ability explore. 

Since, a ten minute play opens somewhere in the midst of a story and the action begins prior to the opening of the play characters require a clear backstory. This offers actors the opportunity to use their imagination through script analysis.  They are forced to invent characters with minimal information. 

The speed of the medium makes it necessary for an actor to react and respond at a quicker pace. This makes them listen intently to the other players.  Listening is key to maintaining a natural and realistic dialog. 

Since a ten minute play tells a complete story it requires strict pacing. Transitions and beats are extremely important requiring the actor to recognize and move through them clearly.  

A well written ten minute play is the perfect tool for scene study, script analysis and character work. 

Paul Ellis